Protection of Water Resources
Finca El Faro is nestled between the Santa Maria and Santiaguito volcanoes. There are no boundaries between these two colossal monsters and our property. Even though we are aware of the many hazards involved in living so close to a life threatening natural wonder, there are many benefits to take advantage of. One of them, is the vast array of natural spring waters that are virtually free of any type of pollutant or contamination.
There is no plausible way that these water sources can become polluted, due to the fact that there is no one to pollute them. We are the first ones in contact with this water, and our goal is to give others the opportunity to consume and employ it virtually intact.
At El Faro Estate we have strongly emphasized on the protection of all water-bearing strata. First of all, there is a written agreement executed with the neighbors to protect the water-bearing strata with timberland material. At least 20 feet of timberland strip is required to separate such water resources from coffee plantations and other cultivars.
Likewise, in such areas where no timberland strip is available, live barrier plantings are incorporated, which aid in protecting the affluence of water and also provide a buffer zone for possible contaminants.
An analysis of the different water sources is conducted on a monthly basis to corroborate its purity. The purpose of such test is to identify possible contamination sources, if any, and to eliminate them immediately. Likewise, it is extremely important that we are sure that these waters are free of any pollutant, as it is used for several purposes by all of us who live in the Estate.